Awa Odori Clock
The figures on this clock tower represent Tokushima’s famous Awa Odori dance. The clock tower sits on top of the Kon’yamachi bus shelter in the downtown area, one of Tokushima’s busiest restaurant and entertainment districts. A local shopkeepers’ federation installed the clock in 1985 and then donated it to the city in 2001. Every two hours between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., the lifelike dancers come out and perform for around five minutes to a background of lively festival music. They are divided into two groups, male and female. The clock is still in good condition, having been carefully maintained over the years. However, the dancers are delicate mechanisms that require protection from the elements, so they may not appear in wet or windy weather.<簡体字>
LED Illuminations in Shinmachi Riverside Park
The figures on this clock tower represent Tokushima’s famous Awa Odori dance. The clock tower sits on top of the Kon’yamachi bus shelter in the downtown area, one of Tokushima’s busiest restaurant and entertainment districts. A local shopkeepers’ federation installed the clock in 1985 and then donated it to the city in 2001. Every two hours between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., the lifelike dancers come out and perform for around five minutes to a background of lively festival music. They are divided into two groups, male and female. The clock is still in good condition, having been carefully maintained over the years. However, the dancers are delicate mechanisms that require protection from the elements, so they may not appear in wet or windy weather.<簡体字>
Fureai Bridge The Fureai Bridge features “Raccoon on Rainbow,” one of two prize-winning designs from the 2010 Tokushima LED Art Festival. Created by Tokushima native Taho Ritsuko, it takes the seven colors of the rainbow as its canvas. Taho was inspired by two local folk stories about tanukiraccoon dogs, animals that are believed to be signs of good luck. In her design, scenes from the two tales play out on the west face of the bridge, uniting in the middle with the central raccoon dog character. On the bridge’s east side, a priestess performs music and dances as she blesses the raccoon dog. The design also incorporates a number of different lighting patterns with cultural and seasonal motifs. These include well-known symbols of Tokushima, such as the Awa Odori (Awa dance), Mt. Bizan, and the traditional craft of indigo dyeing.<簡体字>
Ryogoku Bridge
The colors of the LED light installation featured on this bridge respond to changes in temperature, ambient noise levels, vibrations from traffic, and even the cosmic rays from outer space. Artist Osaka Takuro chose an environmental focus for this work, prompting observers to consider the effects of their activities on their surroundings. Entitled “Sora to Mizu” (Sky and Water), it was one of the two winning designs at the 2010 Tokushima LED Art Festival. Born in Tokyo, Takuro is considered a pioneer in the field of light art. He frequently draws on nature and science themes for his creations.<簡体字>
Shinmachi Bridge
This LED installation, by German artist Mischa Kuball, encourages passersby to think of the daily sounds along the river as background music. Entitled “Light Matrix: An Operetta in White LED Light,” it was the winning design of the 2013 Tokushima LED Art Festival. Kuball used only white lights, as white “embraces all colors” in the spectrum, and he looked to music and the river itself for inspiration. His lines of light move in gentle patterns, evocative of musical notes or the flow of the river below. A concert hall is also located nearby, offering another connection to the motif of music and sound.<簡体字>
这座桥上的LED装置由德国艺术家米斯卡·库巴尔(Mischa Kuball,1959- )设计,名为《光的矩阵:白色LED奏响的轻歌剧》(Light Matrix: An Operetta in White LED Light),旨在引导路人将沿河的日常声响视为背景音乐,它是2013年德岛LED艺术节的获奖作品。库巴尔在这里只使用了白光,因为白色在光谱中“包含了所有颜色”。他从音乐和河流本身当中寻找灵感,作品中的白色光线轻柔地移动,令人联想到音符流转,或是桥下新町川的缓缓流动。附近还有一座音乐厅,为音乐和声音的主题提供了另一层关联。
這座橋上的LED裝置由德國藝術家米斯卡·庫巴爾(Mischa Kuball,1959- )設計,名為《光的矩陣:白色LED奏響的輕歌劇》(Light Matrix: An Operetta in White LED Light),旨在引導路人將沿河的日常聲響視為背景音樂,是2013年德島LED藝術節的獲獎作品。庫巴爾在這裡只使用白光,因為白色在光譜中「包含了所有顏色」。他從音樂和河流本身中尋找靈感,作品中的白色光線輕柔地移動,令人聯想到音符流轉,或是橋下新町川的緩緩流動。附近有一座音樂廳,旨在與音樂和聲音的主題產生共鳴。
Kasuga Bridge
A winning design from the 2016 Tokushima LED Art Festival lights up Kasuga Bridge. “Indigo Waterfall” is a collaborative work from five artists representing Spatial Practice, an architectural firm in Hong Kong. Their creation draws upon Tokushima’s long legacy as a key center of indigo production and dyeing. Fertile soil and plenty of river water provided ideal conditions for growing indigo plants, and the pigment prepared from them provided the rich blue that would become a symbol of the prefecture and the country. In the past, warehouses storing indigo pigment surrounded Kasuga Bridge. The design unites past and present, with indigo-blue LEDs cascading to meet the river below.<簡体字>
2016年德岛LED艺术节的获奖设计照亮了春日桥。“传承文化的靛蓝瀑布”是香港Spatial Practice建筑事务所的5位艺术家的联合作品。作品充分展现了德岛长久以来身为蓼蓝(含靛蓝较多的一种植物)种植和蓝染产业中心对文化的传承。德岛肥沃的土壤和丰沛的河水为蓼蓝生长提供了理想的条件,由蓼蓝制成的染料所创造出的浓郁蓝色又成为了德岛县和日本的象征,而春日桥周围曾经布满了储存靛蓝染料的仓库。靛蓝色的LED灯层层叠叠垂向水面,仿佛汇入了新町川,“靛蓝瀑布”就这样连接起了德岛的过去和未来。
2016年德島LED藝術節的獲獎設計照亮了春日橋,「傳承文化的靛藍瀑布」是五位藝術家的聯合作品,他們代表了香港Spatial Practice建築事務所。作品展現出德島長久以來身為蓼藍(含靛藍較多的一種植物)種植和藍染產業中心對文化的傳承。德島肥沃的土壤和豐沛的河水為蓼藍生長提供了理想的條件,由蓼藍製成的染料所創造出的濃郁藍色又成為了德島縣和日本的象徵,曾經圍繞著春日橋的便是一間又一間儲存靛藍染料的倉庫。靛藍色的LED燈層層疊疊垂向水面,仿佛匯入了新町川,「靛藍瀑布」就這樣連接起了德島的過去和未來。